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Ontario Health Care Crisis
As Ontario Premier Mike Harris spends millions in taxpayer money on television advertising and booklets delivered to every household to convince us that the Ontario health care plan is really working, the ostensible beneficiaries are suffering through a severe crisis in the quality and timeliness of health services.

I am assuming everyone in Ontario has received The Ontario Health Report Booklet.  If you haven't, it is a six page full colour document regaling us about how wonderful our health care system is in Ontario.

In the top right hand corner is a short line that reads "Estimated cost of production and delivery $0.20."  I would like to know the printer who offered his services for this project, because there isn't a printer I know of that could turn this out for that cost.

These ads and booklets are condescending attempts to have us look through rose coloured glasses at our health care system, the infrastructure of which is fractured.  Where will the budgeted $18.5 billion from Ontario and the Federal transfers go?

The official answers are:

  • Long term care beds.
  • Hiring nurses.
  • Reducing waiting list for cancer care.
  • Reducing waiting list for neo-natal services.
  • Expanding home care.
  • Speedier access to Emergency Facilities.
  • Administration.

Time will tell. My guess is that Canada's attempt at Reaganomics comes at a time when the economy can least stand it, and that the plan will run out of time and money before the infrastructure can be replaced.



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Medic Art Research