Thursday, July 08, 1999 |
A Message From The Editor Over the next several days, there will be some changes here in Ophiuchus land. We have formed an alliance with a passionate and compelling advocate of reconciliation between the sometimes too disparate worlds of conventional and alternative medicine. He has a significant body of work already, and is currently working on a book to be published next year. We hope you'll be pleased with the changes, and find his new voice provocative and energizing. KMC |
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Introduction Of all the constellations visible in the night sky, only Ophiuchus is named after a real person, Asclepius. In the ancient zodiac, Ophiuchus is known as the Serpent Bearer, or Serpent Wrestler, due to the its apparent intertwining with the constellation Serpens, the Serpent. The Serpent, in turn, was connected with the notion of resurrection, or rebirth, and was believed to be the repository of divine knowledge. Greek Mythology describes Asclepius as having learned the power of revitalizing the dead, Orion among them, which he did with great enthusiasm until. Hades, God of the Underworld, concerned over losing so many denizens, prevailed upon Zeus to strike down Asclepius with a thunderbolt.